Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Wednesdays would be sooooo much better if I didn't have morning playground duty or afternoon crosswalk duty! The mornings aren't that bad. Basically, I go outside and police watch students play before the bell rings to line up. It's only 15 minutes earlier than I would normally go out and pick them up anyway. I can handle the mornings. Afternoon crosswalk duty is another story entirely. I already feel like I rush through math in the afternoon, but on Wednesdays, I feel like I have to be a superhero. On paper, my math time is 1:50-2:58. Sounds decent. Doable. In reality, it is not. Oh, in case you didn't know, school is dismissed at 2:58. That means that my littles need to be packed up before 2:58. We still need about 15 minutes of pack-up/wrap-up time. I like to end with what I call "the good stuff." This means I like to send my littles home with a smile and possibly give out a few stickers for being covered in awesome-sauce. I like to sometimes play a cheesy little game or send a note home to brag on said awesome-sauce. But on Wednesdays, I just feel rushed because as soon as the bell rings, I need to walk like crazy out to the crosswalk to fulfill my duty. I need to plan Wednesday afternoons a little better. I need to be nicer to myself and not overplan. Keep it simple. Hopefully, next Wednesday I will remember these words.

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