Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving and D.O.G.S

So THANKFUL that Thanksgiving break has officially begun! I really enjoyed the littles today. Yesterday and Monday...I could not have said the same thing! They drove me nuts were excited.

I had a dad volunteer during the part of our day. He is so AWESOME to come in and help out several times a week. This year we started a new club for dads called D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students) It's not only for dads, but for positive male role models to come and invest in our students. It has been great having so many gentlemen come in and be a positive influence. Many of the students that attend my school do not have strong positive male leadership, and through this program they can see what being a "man" could look like.

Here are our coffee filter turkeys:
And, here are our pilgrims:
Happy Thanksgiving :)

Saturday, November 17, 2012

I can't believe that Thanksgiving is next week. This whole year has flown by. I'm not just referring to the school year, but the whole year of 2012! I didn't feel well this week. Last weekend I entertained out of town family and didn't get enough rest. Then, I got the pleasure of fighting a cold for the rest of this week. Thankfully, it's almost gone :)

Despite my cold, we have done a few Thanksgiving themed things in class. Of course, they were all things borrowed from the AMAZING blogs that I stalk regularly. I forgot to take pictures. I will try to remember to next week and put them up for a visual, but we made coffee filter turkeys. We began reading about the pilgrims, the mayflower and the first Thanksgiving.

Hopefully, the 3 days left before my break will be enough time to get to all that I want to do!